Scanning Pens Receive Visit from MP
Lucy Allan, the Member of Parliament for Telford, recently paid a visit to Scanning Pens Ltd who are tenants at EIC’s sister building the Busness and Technology Centre. The MP was there to meet staff and discover more about their range of assistive technology devices.
Scanning Pens is the global distributor for the C-Pen. The C-Pen ReaderPen, ExamReader and DictionaryPen’s are pocket-sized devices that read text out loud aiming to promote independent reading and learning.
As a leading Assistive Technology supplier, they combine their expert knowledge with years of experience in the dyslexia field to develop solutions for many educational institutions helping students with reading difficulties such as dyslexia, visual impairment, physical disabilities and much more.
Lucy Allan, a member of the Education Select Committee said: “I was so pleased to visit Scanning Pens and listen to how the pens have supported and transformed many young people who face daily reading challenges. Too many people struggle with literacy problems throughout their lives and this is a fantastic tool to enable them to overcome these difficulties.”
CEO and Co-Founder of Scanning Pens Jack Churchill commented: “We were thrilled to welcome Lucy to Scanning Pens. Since we opened our Telford office nearly two years ago, we have recruited many local people and provided educational support to hundreds of reluctant readers, some with complex learning needs, many of whom live in Telford and surrounding areas. Scanning Pens have always been committed to being an active part of the local community so welcoming Lucy as the local MP was a great honour for us”.
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